For SERIOUS cold weather fans

One of the givens every holiday season includes multiple renditions of the song “Baby it’s cold outside.”  

Written by  Frank Loesser in 1944, it garnered fame 5 years later in 1949 when performed in the film “Neptune's Daughter.” 

The song’s refrain “Baby it’s cold outside” implies that nobody would want to go out in that Winter weather. Brrrrrr!  But that’s not necessarily the case – in fact, many enjoy Winter for the variety of sports and other activities.

Of course, business opportunities exist on the extremes and here’s one I never expected:  The Northernmost Hotel of the World.

Travel Agency Luxury Action has announced the availability of 10 cozy yet luxurious cabins (glass huts in reality) that will be set up in the North Pole for one month each year – giving the true Winter fanatic the chance to sleep in style on an Arctic glacier.

The cabins have been thoroughly tested to be safe and warm in even the most challenging weather conditions – after all, who wants to visit the Pole and catch a chill?

Along with state-of-the-art Arctic amenities, each visit also includes a camp manager, wilderness guide, chef services, and security to keep everyone safe and sound.

According to their website, “igloos are heated, they have own toilet, glass ceiling roof and wall to be one with the nature and experience the Northern Lights.”

Doesn’t much sound like roughing it to me.

While getting up close and personal with the Northern Lights does have some appeal, I honestly prefer to spend my vacations in warmer climates… where your main concern at the pool is making sure you have enough sunscreen, not avoiding Polar Bears.

But having the financial freedom to enjoy vacations and retirement in whatever setting you desire is an admirable goal – and it’s one that we here at The Wealth Advocate take pride in helping you make happen. Call us today at 610-695-8748 for a free portfolio review.

Just for good ol’ boys – NOT!

The common stereotype about truck drivers is pretty much based on the movie “Smokey and the Bandit” – with good old boys hee-hawing as they high-tail it across the US.

Nowadays, however, the trucking industry is far more diverse – in fact, they’re making a significant effort to get more women behind the wheel. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, since 2010 the number of female truckers has increased by 68% - there were more than 234,234 in 2018!

While percentage-wise they’re still greatly outnumbered by men, there’s little chance the growth will slow down for a number of reasons:

1.     Pay – the median wage for heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers is $43,680 – and if you ask a fleet how that plays out, they’ll tell you point blank that it’s based solely on experience levels and routes. Gender does NOT matter.

2.    Demand for transportation workers is high – especially in the age of Amazon and the expansion of e-commerce.  Goods must get from point A to point B and the best way to make that happens still requires a qualified someone behind the steering wheel.

3.    Technology has evolved to make truck driving much less strenuous – plus it’s more common for drivers to not be involved in the actual loading and unloading of cargo / freight.  

At this year’s “Women in Trucking” Accelerate Conference and Expo held in Dallas, TX, over 1,100 attended 60+ Educational Sessions on critical transportation issues and trends, along with perspectives of women in the industry.

Bottom line:  if you have a dream, don’t let stereotypes or outdated thinking hold you back – and that includes your dreams for a retirement that’s happy, fun, and financially worry-free. Give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s put pedal to the metal to make that happen for you.

Bang for your buck

Even during “Fat-City” economic times, the age-old tradition of penny pinching never goes out of style. 

And while the hardest of hardcore frugality may not be everyone’s cup of tea, there’s no question that everyone loves to get a good deal. 

After all, why pay full price when you know someone who knows someone who knows someone? (Admittedly, that route can be a bit challenging, even time consuming.) 

But here’s an easy way to get the very most Bang for your Buck.


Even though modern society has homogenized many if not most of the products and services we all see and use, there’s still a great deal of variance when it comes to how far $100 will stretch across the US.  

Some states – for reasons of cost of housing, utilities, regulations, and taxes – are simply more or less expensive. 

For example, according to CNBC, the MOST expensive place to live in the union –where $100 in cash provides a measly $84.39 worth of value – is Hawaii. (Paradise doesn’t come cheap.)

Right on its heels appear New York ($86.36), California ($87.11), and New Jersey ($88.57).  

On the other end of the scale, the three states where that Benjamin goes the farthest are Alabama ($115.34), Arkansas ($115.61), and Mississippi ($116.69).

Now squeezing nickels until they weep may not be your thing – and it’s possible you like where you live, costly as it may well be.

In that case, the right move is to make sure you’ve done a solid job putting your financial foundation in place – with a budget that works and a portfolio plan that sets you up for the future.  We’re here to help make that happen. Give us a call at 610-695-8748 to make sure that no matter where you lay your head, it’s just right for you.


Roy Innella

A Bit of Old school innovation

Leadership in life and business often requires you defy conventional wisdom and take a different path.

In recent years, Apple Computer took this concept and made serious marketing hay with their tagline, “Think Different.”

But they weren’t the first to put that concept to work. For example, here a similar thought from Henry Ford:

“If I had asked people what they wanted,

they would have said faster horses.”

A leader and innovator on many levels, even though he was “old-school,” Henry Ford was absolutely a master of both marketing and business. For example:

• When looking for his initial set of investors, he didn't just put together a proposal - he built a race car that broke the world's land speed record. And to add to the show, he drove it in the time trial himself!

• To promote his first car (as a replacement for the horse) he staged a series of "Model T Rodeos" in which cowboys roped steers while driving Model T's.

• Finally, when he thought employees were getting too mired in paperwork, he'd head out to the factory yard with a huge pile of ledger books and memos and set a bonfire.

Conventional wisdom has its place. But it’s always important to be willing to consider fresh alternatives to getting the job done. Here The Wealth Advocate we invest the time and energy to make sure we have the most accurate picture possible when it comes to investing opportunities. To make sure your portfolio isn’t delivering less than you deserve, give us a call at 610-695-8748.

Bill Gates Netflix Show

Netflix recently released a documentary on Microsoft founder Bill Gates:  “Inside Bill’s Brain – Decoding Bill Gates.

I won’t provide any spoilers, but as the trailer notes, Bill does have a unique ability to identify problems and come up with different approaches as solutions.  

 Software’s only part of it – for example, the reason Bill Gates acquired his wealth wasn't because he was a great programmer. Far from it. The reason Gates made billions was he saw that you could invest time and money into building general purpose software... finish the job... and then duplicate that end result thousands, millions of times for a fraction of that original investment cost.

Up until then, almost ALL software was custom built one application for one computer at a time. This of course cost big bucks to do as every install was a

brand new ball game. Gates, however, realized that it could be mass-produced and sold at a low price for the mass market. 

A new business model emerged - one that made Gates (and many others) extremely wealthy. All because he was able and willing to dive into problems and apply a new way of thinking to them.  

 The challenge that consumes our brains here at The Wealth Advocate is find the very best way to customize a long-term financial plan for every person who walks through our door. Your goals and your situation are unique and we value and respect that reality deeply.  And delivering the very best service possible in helping you achieve your dreams is why we’re here.  Call us today at 610-695-8748and let’s start creating the very best future possible.


Long before Yoda uttered the famous words, “Do or do not. There is no try” a similar sentiment on business and life was expressed by famed showman P.T. Barnum, known in his day as a pretty savvy businessman and marketer.  

It’s dead-on to the concept of what it takes for you and me to succeed in pretty much everything we do.

Take it away PT...



Work at it, if necessary, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now. 

The old proverb is full of truth and meaning,

"Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well." 

Many a man acquires a fortune by doing his business thoroughly, while his neighbor remains poor for life, because he only half does it. 

Ambition, energy, industry, perseverance, are indispensable requisites for success in business. Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself. 


Even though written over a hundred years ago, there’s a lot of wisdom here – you can’t expect to succeed in anything, especially investing, if you go at it in a half-hearted way.  Too many people “dip their toes” into retirement planning thinking they don’t need to get serious until sadly it’s way too late.

Instead, we can help you – step-by-step – craft a practical plan for a sound financial future. Why not create the future you want “with all your might”? Call us at 610-695-8748 and let’s get started today.

Tough sell

There’s a story about Lee Iacocca when he took over then struggling auto maker Chrysler way back in 1979.

Iacocca spent the first week calling people into his office – managers, VPs, Directors, you name it. Once they arrived, he would them a piece of chalk and then tell them to head over the chalkboard.

Once they made it to the board, he said to each one:

"You've got 7 minutes to show me a diagram of how whatever the heck you do around here ends up selling cars."

Anyone who couldn't draw that diagram, he fired.

His theory was, if it turned out they really were important, they’d figure it out and they’d go get them back. But he also figured it was a fairly safe bet that if they couldn't draw that diagram, Chrysler didn't really need them.

This “tough sell” approach was just one thing that Iacocca did to turn Chrysler’s fortunes around.

I relayed this story to make a very important point about financial planning.

Don’t let your portfolio grow stagnant – make the time to regularly review what’s contained inside. You may have stocks, bonds, or other investment vehicles that should be replaced or increased.

Call our office today at 610-695-8748 for your free portfolio review. We’ll make sure it’s doing the job for you that you expect and deserve.

Most wonderful time of the year…

It’s just about “the most wonderful time of the year…”

No, I’m not talking about the holiday season and all the feasting, gifts, and celebrations that take place. 

I’m talking about “AUTO SHOW SEASON,” when the auto industry officially rolls out their new lines for the upcoming year.  (It’s a very special time for those of us who long for that new car smell.) 

The big show this year is the Los Angeles Auto Show taking place this coming November 22nd. Officially billed as “the one stop shop to comparison shop,” the LA Auto Show will present for your review over 1,000 cars, trucks, and SUVs. 

(In case you were wondering, Motor City hasn’t taken a pit stop – they held their 2019 show back in January, with their 2020 edition taking place next June.)

According to Mpower, the top automotive trends you can expect to see play out in 2020 include:

1.    Continued growth in Electrification – a significant expansion of hybrids and fully electric vehicles.

2.    Growing presence of start-up car companies – many are following in Tesla’s footsteps, including Rivian – a California startup that just landed $700 Million in funding from Amazon.

3.    New and Improved Digital Platforms – the family car continues to evolve into even more of a hub for internet access and communications. 

One thing’s for sure - 2020 looks to be an exciting time for motor-heads of all ages.  

Helping you navigate the highways and byways of your financial future is what we specialize in here at The Wealth Advocate.  If you’re looking for help crafting a plan to get you to a safe and secure destination in 2020 and beyond, give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s hit the road together. 

Finger lickin’ good fun

Well, here’s a marketing twist I never imagined…

Remember the famous, “Finger Lickin’ Good” catchphrase used by KFC back when it went by Kentucky Fried Chicken?

Well, they recently announced a totally new way to bring in more business… and no, it’s not a coupon and it’s not even a special 2-for-1 deal. Nope. It’s a dating game, entitled:

“I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator”

Soon to be available from the game site Steam, its description reads:

"Do you have what it takes to be the business partner of and win the heart of the most famous chicken salesman of all time?"

Inside the game, you play a culinary student who – as well as attempt to learn the serious business of poultry preparation – also has the chance to woo a younger, hipster-ish version of the famed Kentucky Colonel.

Whether this “game” takes off… perhaps eventually producing “boy band” posters with Sanders front and center… remains to be seen. But you have to give them credit for out of the box thinking.

At The Wealth Advocate, we don’t claim to have any kind of “secret blend of spices recipe” for success. It’s just good old-fashioned research, integrity, and a consistent focus on getting the very best results possible for our clients.

We’d be happy to share a heapin’ helpin’ with you – give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s get started.

Good to Great

Hey there , hope you’re having a great day!

In fact – “Great” – is the topic of this message.

It came to mind after checking out a best-selling book by Jim Collins: "From Good to Great - Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't." In it, Collins outlined a few key concepts that major corporations -- including Microsoft -- have worked very hard to implement.

The core premise is this: Only pursue those activities at which you can be great. Not just good, but great. To drive this point home, the book asked us to consider the difference between the fox and the hedgehog.

• The fox is good at a lot of things. He's quick. He's smart. He's got a good sense of smell. And he's able to make a meal out of just about anything he can catch or find.

• The hedgehog, on the other hand, doesn't do a lot of things well. He's not very fast. He's not known for his IQ. And he's certainly not the most charismatic of creatures.

But the hedgehog does one thing very, very well. In fact, at this one thing, he's great. He can, in an instant, curl up into a nearly impregnable ball of spines and fur. Even if the fox finds him, the hedgehog is safe and secure from attack. And so the quick and clever fox is overcome by the somewhat dull yet incredibly great hedgehog.

The lesson of the hedgehog is one every business should ponder.

What is it that you can become GREAT at? We can all do a lot of things pretty well. Unfortunately, pretty well doesn't raise your products or services above the level of commodity. For any business to make the kind of impact in their market that they want, they first need to identify what it is they can honestly claim as greatness.

Key to our mission here at The Wealth Advocate is to provide you with GREAT service above and beyond anything you’ve ever experienced with any other financial planner or team. We believe in going the extra mile to ensure you have a plan in place that puts your goals and dreams front and center.

I welcome the opportunity for you to hold us to that promise. Call us today at 610-695-8748 for a free portfolio review. When it comes to providing incredible service, I guarantee we won’t let you down.

Headin’ South?

Well, the leaves are turning, the temperatures are falling, and the days grow shorter.

Yes, it’s that time of year once again where critters and humans alike start heading South for the Winter.

The “snowbird” instinct runs strong in many species, not just boomers with RVs. In fact, National Geographic magazine recently did an article on how the advent of the Fall season affects different animals. For example:

• For deer, elk, and moose it’s the time of year when a young buck’s fancy turns to thoughts of love and perpetuating the species. (Of course, it’s also hunting season which can complicate romance.)

• Bears chow down with even greater enthusiasm as they prepare for their long Winter nap. They eat and drink as much as they can, putting on extra weight and fat.

• Similarly, ladybugs also ramp up their appetites, feasting on aphids and other soft-bodied prey. As Winter approaches, they gather into large masses to enter a dormant state until Spring returns.

• While many birds like geese fill skies as they head for warmer climes, the North American Poorwill actually stays put. These members of the nightjar family are able to chill out in a state similar to hibernation where their body temperature can actually go down to a cool 41 degrees.

Whatever your plans are – to head South or to hang out through the Winter – the best possible situation is to have the financial freedom to stay or go as you see fit. Here at The Wealth Advocate we’re focused on helping you reach that goal.

Why not set up your free portfolio review at 610-695-8748 and let’s bring a few more sunny days into your life, no matter where you plan to be.

Practically Perfect?

In my humble opinion, one of the greatest movies that still holds up as fun for all ages is the classic film, “Mary Poppins.”

In a nutshell, it’s the tale of how absent father George Banks discovers the true value of family thanks to magical nanny Mary Poppins.

One scene in the film shows Mary holding up a tape measure to see how the children “measure up.”  One child is prone to giggle, the other is stubborn. Mary, on the other hand, when likewise assessed is shown to be “practically perfect in every way.”

 According to a study by Harvard Business Review, however, working too hard to be “practically perfect” may not be best for either you or your employer.

 Studies show that perfectionists experience higher levels of stress, burnout, and anxiety.  So, according to HBR, “while certain aspects of perfectionism might be beneficial in the workplace, perfectionistic tendencies can also clearly impair employees at work.”

 In fact, the article notes that perfectionists – even though many believe this traits to be a net positive for the companies that hire them – are actually no better or worse performers on the job than everyone else.  They speculate this could be because they spend too much time trying to make some projects “perfect,” but in doing so, they neglect other tasks that could use more focus. 

The challenge for managers is to find ways to leverage the positive aspects of perfectionism, while making sure to offer balance and letting them know in many cases, “good enough is good enough.” 

So it seems that Mary was wise in being “practically perfect” – I’m sure Banks and his family were all quite pleased with her results. 

We’re all about providing you with the “practically perfect” support you need to have the financial plan and results you deserve. Give us a call at 610-695-8748 for a free portfolio review and let’s see what kind of magic we can make happen by working together.  

Tough question

I found this tale of a “tough question” both interesting and challenging.

It’s from an interview President Jimmy Carter had with Admiral Hyman Rickover when Carter was just a young man applying for the nuclear submarine program. Here's the story as described by Carter himself:


It was the first time I met Admiral Rickover, and we sat in a large room by ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me choose any subjects I wished to discuss. Very carefully, I chose those about which I knew most at the time - current events, seamanship, music, literature, naval tactics, electronics, gunnery - and he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing difficulty. In each

instance, he soon proved that I knew relatively little about the subject I had chosen.

He always looked right into my eyes, and he never smiled. I was saturated with cold sweat. Finally, he asked a question and I thought I could redeem myself. He said, "How did you stand in your class at the Naval Academy?"

Since I had completed my sophomore year at Georgia Tech before entering Annapolis as a plebe, I had done very well, and I swelled my chest with pride and answered, " Sir, I stood fifty-ninth in a class of 820!" I sat back to wait for the congratulations – which never came. Instead, the question: "Did you do your best?"

I started to say, "Yes, sir," but I remembered who this was and recalled several of the many times at the Academy when I could have learned more about our allies, our enemies, weapons, strategy, and so forth. I was just human.

I finally gulped and said, "No sir, I didn't always do my best."

He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to end the interview. He asked one final question, which I have never been able to forget - or to answer.

He said, "Why not?"

I sat there for a while, shaken, and then slowly left the room.


This story reaffirmed to me how important it is to always give 100% to everything you do – both at work and in life.

That’s the attitude we have across the board at The Wealth Advocate and we wouldn’t have it any other way – we place that high a value on serving you and helping you achieve your dreams, no matter how big or small. Give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s together craft a plan to support those dreams for many years to come.

3 Weird Halloween-isms

So , here’s three “spooky-goofy” factoids you may not have known about Halloween:

1.    Jack-O-Lanterns Weren’t Always Pumpkins

Back in the day, the term “jack-o-lantern” comes from an Irish legend of “Stingy Jack,” a rascal who managed to win a drinking bet with the devil… turning Old Scratch into a coin which he happily carried in his pocket.  When Jack finally passed away, he was deemed fit for neither Heaven or Hell, so he was sent instead to roam the earth with only a burning coal for light.  He put the coal in hollowed out turnip and used it as a lantern… hence “Jack-of-the-Lantern” or “Jack-O-Lantern.”  To scare away this rogue and other ghosties, the Irish would carve scary faces into turnips, beets, and potatoes. 

2.    Dance the Night Away

The traditional “trick or treat!” call to acquire goodies is a relatively new addition to Halloween traditions.  According to many experts, trick-or-treating is based on the European practice of “mumming.”  People would wear costumes and travel the town, going from one door to the next, performing dances, songs, and even little skits in exchange for treats.

3.    Captain Kirk’s Halloween Connection

John Carpenter’s horror film classic “Halloween” – filmed in just 21 days – was done on an extremely low budget.  The villain – Michael Myers – needed an iconic, terrifying face… so to save money, they used the cheapest mask they could find.  Which turned out to be a William Shatner Star Trek mask.  When informed of this year’s later, Shatner said he was honored.

Even though Halloween’s good scary fun, the one fear you don’t want to face is not having a solid financial foundation to support you and those you love. We can help.  Call our team today at 610-695-8748 to banish those worries once and for all. 

Eels well that ends well

One of the enduring mysteries of the age has been the Loch Ness Monster.

According to the Washington Post, the Scottish beastie has been sighted over 3000 times since the year 565 AD. 

The so-called “surgeon’s photograph” of 1934 is the most well-known and iconic. It shows what appears to be an ancient plesiosaur drifting calmly in the water.  Sadly, for true believers, that photo has been acknowledged as a hoax.

Theories abound as to exactly what’s roaming the depths of this dark lake – dinosaurs, seals, sturgeon – but a new idea may hold the key.

Geneticist Neil Gemmell, a professor from New Zealand’s University of Otago, led a team of researchers to examine 250 water samples from the lake – looking for DNA in the hopes of uncovering the real identity of the creature.

Sadly, no plesiosaurs were found – and neither was there any evidence of sturgeon, catfish, or even sharks.

Gemmell DID discover DNA-a-plenty from another aquatic creature that could very well hold the clue:


And it’s not all that unlikely to believe an eel could… if he / she lived long enough… attain a length of 13 feet or more.

The geneticist admits it’s somewhat of a “long-shot explanation” and also acknowledges that his research was meant more to provide publicity for the research he wants to do, rather than solve the mystery at hand.

I tend to agree with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said “there is a part of my soul that still yearns to believe.”

What lurks below the surface of Loch Ness is anyone’s guess. But what we can know for sure is any quest for a prosperous, secure financial future requires expertise, planning, and clarity. It’s really not mysterious in the least. We’re here to help you navigate those tricky waters. Give us a call at 610-695-8748 and set up your free consultation today.

Crazy Notions

There’s a lot of people out there saying it’s “CRAZY” to think the average person can succeed these days with all the odds stacked against them.

It’s crazy to think you could have a successful business… create wealth… plan for and live out a happy and healthy retirement…

Well, crazy is in the eyes of the beholder. I did a little search and came up with a few other "crazy" warnings that didn’t exactly hold up:

• "The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C', the idea must be feasible." - A Yale University management professor in response to a college assignment by Fred Smith, founder of Federal Express Corp.

• “A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make." - Response to Debbi Fields' idea of starting Mrs. Fields' Cookies.

• "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" - H. M. Warner, co-founder of Warner Bros., 1927.

• "We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." - Decca Records, when they rejected The Beatles, 1962.

• "Children just aren’t interested in Witches and Wizards anymore."

- Anonymous publishing executive writing to JK Rowling 1996

Think about these and a million other examples of success the next time someone calls you crazy for taking control over your life and your dreams.

If you’d like our help in building a strong financial foundation along this journey, give us a call at 610-695-8748.

Success Secrets from a 6 Foot Rabbit

Another magic month treat you should check out is the film classic “Harvey.”

Based on a Pulitzer prize winning play by Mary Chase, "Harvey" tells the tale of Elwood P. Dowd and his friend - a six foot tall invisible rabbit. 

Even though Harvey's powerful presence remained a key focus of the film, what comes through in spades is the warmth, charm, and overwhelming goodness of the main character, Elwood P. Dowd.

And besides being a totally fun and enjoyable film, there are some nifty little success lessons oh-so-ably demonstrated by the good Mr. Dowd.

1) Get your name out there.

Every time he met someone new, Elwood would pull out and hand over his business card - taking pains to ensure they had the correct contact information.

2) Always look out for the others’ interests.

You wouldn't find a more "other" focused individual than Elwood. He made sure to take the time to sit, to ask questions, and to listen intently to what others had to say.  

And the final simple yet powerful lesson:

3) Give give give 

Elwood was always buying drinks for others, offering flowers, holding open doors, picking up the tab, inviting folks over for dinner... making sure other people felt welcome and valued was his greatest gift. 

Now, I can’t say for sure whether you’ll spot Harvey hanging out at our office, but I can state without question that we share those same values of giving, sharing, and listening when it comes to helping our clients reach their goals.  Give us a call at 610-695-8748 for your free portfolio review today.  

Where 80/20 came from

Ever wonder where the 80/20 rule came from?

Back in 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. 

He also discovered that 20% of the pea-pods in his garden produced about 80% of the peas.

This general principle or rule of thumb is generally known today at "Pareto's Principle" or the "80/20 rule."  

Subsequent economists and business analysts have generalized this to suggest that 20% of something always accounts for 80% of the results. 

For example: 

-- 20% of your workday generates 80% of your results. 

-- 20% of your customers produce 80% of your profits.

-- 80% of your sales from 20% of your services.

The real value of the 80/20 “rule” is that it enables you to focus like a laser on ONLY those things that matter the most to your workday or in your life.  

The key is to conduct a careful review of what you’re doing to see how effectively it’s getting you to where you want to go.

This may mean giving up some things you enjoy, but don’t really pay off. 

Or – it may mean getting rid of tasks you honestly can’t stand… but now you have a solid reason to either outsource them, delegate them, or simply let them go entirely.

The 80/20 rule frees you to accomplish more with less. It’s powerful and effective.

One task that I guarantee will produce even more than 80% worth of return value is to stop by our office for a free portfolio review. We’ll make sure the investments and plan you have in place today are set up to deliver the payoff you want down the road.  Just call 610-695-8748 today to schedule your review today.

Can’t focus? Try this…

I’ll admit there’s a touch of irony in me sending you an email on the dangers of electronic media… 

But I think this will be worth your time.

According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review, the average person spends over 12 hours per day engaging with digital media – smartphones, tablets, and laptops. 

They cite a report entitled “Psychological Neuroscience of Digital Distraction” which states “The average computer user checks 40 websites a day and can switch programs 36 times an hour.”

According to the report, this increase in technology use has lowered the quality of our sleep and is destroying our ability to focus… no longer able to effectively choose what needs to get done.

One answer, according to Harvard Business Review, is to set limits and create buffers to give your mind time to recharge. Additionally, making sure to keep your working environment tidy – both your physical desk and your digital desktop. 

Whether you need to do so as part of your job or not, the reality is you’re dealing with a non-stop barrage of messages, advertisements, social media posts, and of course, cat videos. 

No one wants to give up cat videos. But a line needs to be drawn somewhere.

One area of focus you can’t afford to ignore is the care and feeding of your financial plans – and a great way to do so is to swing by our office for a complementary portfolio review. We’ll put the coffee on for you, provide you with a comfortable, low stress environment, and talk one on one about the dreams you have for a relaxing retirement.  Call us today at 610-695-8748 and let’s talk.

Magic Month Quiz

Since October is officially, “Magic Month,” I thought I'd give you a little "magic word" trivia quiz as we head into Fall.  Answers are at the end of the page.

1. When young Billy Batson uttered the magic word "Shazam," he was transformed into what superhero? 

A.   Underdog

B.    Captain Marvel

C.    Mr. Fantastic

D.   Mr. Incredible

2. Which American city is mentioned in the witch doctor's spell in the 1958 song "Witch Doctor"? 

A.   Walla Walla

B.    Newport News

C.    Punxsutawney

D.   Des Moines

3. Sesame Street's resident magician, the Amazing Mumford, refers to which food item when he casts his spells? 

A.   Macaroni and cheese

B.    Dill pickle

C.    Sauerkraut

D.   Peanut butter sandwiches

4. Hocus Pocus was the name of the rabbit in which animated TV holiday special? 

A.   It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

B.    Rudolph the ReNosed Reindeer

C.    Frosty the Snowman

D.   Here Comes Santa Claus


5. Which group had a #1 hit in 1982 with the song "Abracadabra"? 

·      Steve Miller Band

·      Human League

·      Men at Work

·      A Flock of Seagulls

6. "Mekklekkhi, mekkhiney-ho" were magic words used by Jambi the Genie on which kids' TV show? 

A.   Barney & Friends

B.    Captain Kangaroo

C.    Pee-wee's Playhouse

D.   Andy's Gang. 

7. What Dutch rock group had a top 10 hit in 1971 with the instrumental "Hocus Pocus"? 

A.   Focus 

B.    Solution

C.    Brainbox

D.   Blue Suede

How do you think you did? Did that little exercise bring back a few fond memories?  Me too.

Now the kind of “hocus-pocus” we specialize in here at The Wealth Advocateis transforming your retirement dreams into reality. To conjure up your complimentary “Magical Retirement Review,” call our office at 610-695-8748

Answers below

PS:  By the way, as promised, here are the answers:

1-b, Captain Marvel 

2-a, Walla Walla 

3-d, Peanut butter sandwiches