Where 80/20 came from

Ever wonder where the 80/20 rule came from?

Back in 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. 

He also discovered that 20% of the pea-pods in his garden produced about 80% of the peas.

This general principle or rule of thumb is generally known today at "Pareto's Principle" or the "80/20 rule."  

Subsequent economists and business analysts have generalized this to suggest that 20% of something always accounts for 80% of the results. 

For example: 

-- 20% of your workday generates 80% of your results. 

-- 20% of your customers produce 80% of your profits.

-- 80% of your sales from 20% of your services.

The real value of the 80/20 “rule” is that it enables you to focus like a laser on ONLY those things that matter the most to your workday or in your life.  

The key is to conduct a careful review of what you’re doing to see how effectively it’s getting you to where you want to go.

This may mean giving up some things you enjoy, but don’t really pay off. 

Or – it may mean getting rid of tasks you honestly can’t stand… but now you have a solid reason to either outsource them, delegate them, or simply let them go entirely.

The 80/20 rule frees you to accomplish more with less. It’s powerful and effective.

One task that I guarantee will produce even more than 80% worth of return value is to stop by our office for a free portfolio review. We’ll make sure the investments and plan you have in place today are set up to deliver the payoff you want down the road.  Just call 610-695-8748 today to schedule your review today.