Can’t focus? Try this…

I’ll admit there’s a touch of irony in me sending you an email on the dangers of electronic media… 

But I think this will be worth your time.

According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review, the average person spends over 12 hours per day engaging with digital media – smartphones, tablets, and laptops. 

They cite a report entitled “Psychological Neuroscience of Digital Distraction” which states “The average computer user checks 40 websites a day and can switch programs 36 times an hour.”

According to the report, this increase in technology use has lowered the quality of our sleep and is destroying our ability to focus… no longer able to effectively choose what needs to get done.

One answer, according to Harvard Business Review, is to set limits and create buffers to give your mind time to recharge. Additionally, making sure to keep your working environment tidy – both your physical desk and your digital desktop. 

Whether you need to do so as part of your job or not, the reality is you’re dealing with a non-stop barrage of messages, advertisements, social media posts, and of course, cat videos. 

No one wants to give up cat videos. But a line needs to be drawn somewhere.

One area of focus you can’t afford to ignore is the care and feeding of your financial plans – and a great way to do so is to swing by our office for a complementary portfolio review. We’ll put the coffee on for you, provide you with a comfortable, low stress environment, and talk one on one about the dreams you have for a relaxing retirement.  Call us today at 610-695-8748 and let’s talk.