Magic Month Quiz

Since October is officially, “Magic Month,” I thought I'd give you a little "magic word" trivia quiz as we head into Fall.  Answers are at the end of the page.

1. When young Billy Batson uttered the magic word "Shazam," he was transformed into what superhero? 

A.   Underdog

B.    Captain Marvel

C.    Mr. Fantastic

D.   Mr. Incredible

2. Which American city is mentioned in the witch doctor's spell in the 1958 song "Witch Doctor"? 

A.   Walla Walla

B.    Newport News

C.    Punxsutawney

D.   Des Moines

3. Sesame Street's resident magician, the Amazing Mumford, refers to which food item when he casts his spells? 

A.   Macaroni and cheese

B.    Dill pickle

C.    Sauerkraut

D.   Peanut butter sandwiches

4. Hocus Pocus was the name of the rabbit in which animated TV holiday special? 

A.   It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

B.    Rudolph the ReNosed Reindeer

C.    Frosty the Snowman

D.   Here Comes Santa Claus


5. Which group had a #1 hit in 1982 with the song "Abracadabra"? 

·      Steve Miller Band

·      Human League

·      Men at Work

·      A Flock of Seagulls

6. "Mekklekkhi, mekkhiney-ho" were magic words used by Jambi the Genie on which kids' TV show? 

A.   Barney & Friends

B.    Captain Kangaroo

C.    Pee-wee's Playhouse

D.   Andy's Gang. 

7. What Dutch rock group had a top 10 hit in 1971 with the instrumental "Hocus Pocus"? 

A.   Focus 

B.    Solution

C.    Brainbox

D.   Blue Suede

How do you think you did? Did that little exercise bring back a few fond memories?  Me too.

Now the kind of “hocus-pocus” we specialize in here at The Wealth Advocateis transforming your retirement dreams into reality. To conjure up your complimentary “Magical Retirement Review,” call our office at 610-695-8748

Answers below

PS:  By the way, as promised, here are the answers:

1-b, Captain Marvel 

2-a, Walla Walla 

3-d, Peanut butter sandwiches