Headin’ South?

Well, the leaves are turning, the temperatures are falling, and the days grow shorter.

Yes, it’s that time of year once again where critters and humans alike start heading South for the Winter.

The “snowbird” instinct runs strong in many species, not just boomers with RVs. In fact, National Geographic magazine recently did an article on how the advent of the Fall season affects different animals. For example:

• For deer, elk, and moose it’s the time of year when a young buck’s fancy turns to thoughts of love and perpetuating the species. (Of course, it’s also hunting season which can complicate romance.)

• Bears chow down with even greater enthusiasm as they prepare for their long Winter nap. They eat and drink as much as they can, putting on extra weight and fat.

• Similarly, ladybugs also ramp up their appetites, feasting on aphids and other soft-bodied prey. As Winter approaches, they gather into large masses to enter a dormant state until Spring returns.

• While many birds like geese fill skies as they head for warmer climes, the North American Poorwill actually stays put. These members of the nightjar family are able to chill out in a state similar to hibernation where their body temperature can actually go down to a cool 41 degrees.

Whatever your plans are – to head South or to hang out through the Winter – the best possible situation is to have the financial freedom to stay or go as you see fit. Here at The Wealth Advocate we’re focused on helping you reach that goal.

Why not set up your free portfolio review at 610-695-8748 and let’s bring a few more sunny days into your life, no matter where you plan to be.