3 Weird Halloween-isms

So , here’s three “spooky-goofy” factoids you may not have known about Halloween:

1.    Jack-O-Lanterns Weren’t Always Pumpkins

Back in the day, the term “jack-o-lantern” comes from an Irish legend of “Stingy Jack,” a rascal who managed to win a drinking bet with the devil… turning Old Scratch into a coin which he happily carried in his pocket.  When Jack finally passed away, he was deemed fit for neither Heaven or Hell, so he was sent instead to roam the earth with only a burning coal for light.  He put the coal in hollowed out turnip and used it as a lantern… hence “Jack-of-the-Lantern” or “Jack-O-Lantern.”  To scare away this rogue and other ghosties, the Irish would carve scary faces into turnips, beets, and potatoes. 

2.    Dance the Night Away

The traditional “trick or treat!” call to acquire goodies is a relatively new addition to Halloween traditions.  According to many experts, trick-or-treating is based on the European practice of “mumming.”  People would wear costumes and travel the town, going from one door to the next, performing dances, songs, and even little skits in exchange for treats.

3.    Captain Kirk’s Halloween Connection

John Carpenter’s horror film classic “Halloween” – filmed in just 21 days – was done on an extremely low budget.  The villain – Michael Myers – needed an iconic, terrifying face… so to save money, they used the cheapest mask they could find.  Which turned out to be a William Shatner Star Trek mask.  When informed of this year’s later, Shatner said he was honored.

Even though Halloween’s good scary fun, the one fear you don’t want to face is not having a solid financial foundation to support you and those you love. We can help.  Call our team today at 610-695-8748 to banish those worries once and for all.