Little Green Men

Are we alone in the universe?

They say the truth is out there… but for most of us, seeing is believing.

If you want to do more than read about flying saucers and little green men, a recent article from Business Insider offers some tips on where in the good ol’ USA you need to go.

Per their research, the best place to catch a glimpse of a not-so-ancient alien spacecraft would be Vermont, with one sighting per 15,000 people.

Coming in last is Texas, a state whose residents aren’t known for taking that kind of last place ranking lying down. (I’m guessing they didn’t interview attendees from any of Willie Nelson’s concerts.) 

In terms of the state generating the most sightings by sheer numbers – you guessed it, California, with nearly 6,000 UFO sightings since 2010.

Belief in aliens (a.k.a. little green men) isn’t anything close to fringe anymore. In June 2019, the New York Times published an article that included interviews with 5 US Navy pilots who reportedly saw strange craft – without any visible engine or exhaust plumes – seemingly reaching 30,000 feet and achieving hypersonic speeds.

Over half of American adults believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life… but… 

As shocking as that may seem, here’s a real eye-opener:

According to a 2016 survey, 35% of all adults in the US have only several hundred dollars in savings accounts and another 34% have ZERO.

So instead of trying to spot the next time Marvin the Martian soars overhead, more Americans should instead be paying attention to matters a little more down to earth.

Whether you believe in little green men or not, planning for your financial future is always wise.Why not give us a call at 610-695-8748or click here to schedule online and we’ll work together to make your dreams for a better tomorrow out of this world.