It’s the Ad for YOU

Even if you’re self-employed or own your own business, there’s still a chance that at some point you’re going to want to polish up your resume. 

Nobody likes writing resumes – they’re essentially the “story problems” of the business world.  But they’re still a vital part of any job search effort. They’re the Ad for YOU.

And with the economy humming along nicely right now with low unemployment, it’s a good time to at least consider shopping your skills around. If that’s on the horizon for you, here’s a few tips on putting your very best foot forward with you resume:

  • First – make sure you have a clear idea on the role you want to play in your new company. Hiring managers look for individuals with highly specialized skills. Make sure to highlight what you bring to the table.

  • Second – take the time to customize your resume to the specific job you’re looking at. You may need to move up in importance some areas and reduce others. It doesn’t have to involve a massive rewrite, but at least give it a good onceover to make sure you present yourself as “just right” for that job.

  • Third – edit / proofread to clear away any typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors. If you’re not great at this, find a friend or even hire a professional editor. You want to look top notch from start to finish. 

  • Finally – use action verbs that show you created significant value in previous roles. Avoid boring, passive, and jargon phrases that really don’t mean anything, such as “participated on search committees” or “took inventory to the next level of synergy.” Describe where you acted, you led, and you delivered results.

If you do move into a new role, make sure to take advantage of all the benefits provided – including stock options, 401K matching, and other goodies. We can help you integrate those and other compensation elements into a solid plan for your future.  Call today at 610-695-8748 or book online at and let’s talk.