Vroom Vroom [NOT]

Consider for a moment the lure of the open road…

The smell and feel of leather…

The thrill of rapid acceleration.... 

If you’re into motorcycles, you get it. 

But one of their key selling points – especially for the classic Harley Davidson line – is that growling, throaty, internal-combustion rumble made by the engine.

It just SOUNDS like power.

But time never stands still and a new generation of bikes is hitting the streets – powered not by petroleum, but by high-tech batteries.

The age of the electric motorcycle has begun and a number of the major manufacturers are joining the parade. Here’s just a few of the new entries hitting the road:

·      Harley Davidson’s “LiveWire”

·      The Zero DS

·      Moto Czysz E1PC

·      Brammo Empulse

Downsides to electric bikes primarily relate to cost and range.  Their prices remain higher than their gasoline-powered brethren, but they’re definitely beginning to become more affordable.  And when it comes to range, while a gas guzzler can cruise for 200+ miles, a fully charged electric typically has about half that.

Still… there’s no doubt that with the winds of technology shifting towards all-things electric, these and other wrinkles will continue to get ironed out as new road warrior machines hit the market.

When it comes to managing a portfolio, trying to time market trends can be like chasing the wind… with the danger being thrown off course when things don’t pan out as planned.

Smooth and steady seems to me a wiser approach. Give me a call at 610-695-8748 to find out how to rev up your roadtrip to the financial future you’ve always wanted.