Millionaire: What’s stopping you?

Here’s a question posed by a recent article on the website “The Motley Fool” – 

“What’s holding you back from becoming a millionaire?”

Of course, there’s lots of reasons (potentially millions), many pretty much what you’d expect or have heard before:

a)    You don’t invest

b)   You waste money on frivolous things

c)    You don’t follow a budget

And so on. 

But there were a couple that I thought were interesting enough to share with you today, including:

1)    You don’t act on your own good ideas – specifically those ideas to start your own business and take a run at building something totally your own. Just about all of us have seen a new product or service being advertised and said, “Hey, I thought of that first!”  Well, that may be true, but the fact is that somebody else didn’t just “think” of the idea, they actually went and did something with it.  If you have a great idea, don’t let it wither on the vine, take action.

2)    You don’t expect to be wealthy.  Many people simply give up on the very notion that they’d ever accumulate any kind of wealth. They think that unless you come from money, or you went to a certain school, or knew the right people, it’s just not going to happen and there’s no point trying.  Truth is, people of all kinds, all backgrounds, all skillsets, all ages have created wealth. They just didn’t let this kind of thinking hold them back.

And finally:

3)    They have a negative attitude about wealth. After all, we’ve been told since our earliest years that “money is the root of all evil.” (Which isn’t an accurate quote – check it out for yourself.) The truth is that many millionaires give back to their communities, through donations to charity, founding their own non-profits, and in many other ways. There’s nothing inherently good or bad about money – it’s simply a tool and the more of it you have, the more you can do with it.

So don’t let anything, especially your thinking, hold you back from doing what you can to build a secure financial future. There’s nothing wrong with that goal in the least, and if it leads to you hitting the million-dollar mark, all the better for you, the people you love, and the community you live in.

The journey to get there is definitely easier with the help of a professional financial advisor.  Give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s get started.