The Wealth Advocate

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Your home is your castle – think again…

Okay,  here’s another old saying that’s gone down the tubes.

I believe it was Fred Flintstone or someone similar who once said, “a man’s home is his castle.”  Well, we know it’s not just men who own homes, so that’s clearly Neanderthal on one level, but even changing it to “Your home is your castle” doesn’t really fly either.

For example, when trash day rolls around once a week you probably think you’re being a responsible citizen by taking the garbage out early, right? 

Not necessarily – in the town of Hallandale Beach, Florida if you bring your bins to the curb before 6PM the day before pickup, you could get fined.

Or maybe you’ve had it up to here with all the clutter in your garage and closets so you decide to hold that yard sale. It went well, but you have more stuff. You hold another. And then maybe another for good measure. Guess what, some cities such as Modesto, California put a hard limit on the number of yard sales you can hold to just 2 per year!

(I’ll bet getting a fine for that won’t spark joy.)

And one big no-no that applies just about everywhere involves your home address number. You have to make sure that landscaping doesn’t overgrow to the point where the numbers are no longer visible.  Having your address obstructed can be a code violation because Police, Fire, and Ambulance services need to be able to ID your home if there’s an emergency.

So – yes, your home is your castle. But even as ruler of your domain you need to make sure you follow the various turret, drawbridge, and moat laws that may exist in your community.  

Bottom line – home ownership represents both an asset and a responsibility. To make sure your castle and your other assets all work together within a broader plan for financial success, call us today at 610-695-8748  or click here to schedule online.