The Wealth Advocate

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Just 5 things

Okay,  here’s something you might find useful…

It’s from a book entitled "18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done" By Peter Bregman.

It’s got some interesting ideas – for example, in one chapter he calls out the value of creating your "annual focus" - not a set of goals, but a reduced mix of life / business priorities you plan to really focus on for the year.  

Here's his point…

Life offers us a huge buffet of delicious choices.

And of course we want it all.  But the problem is, if we TRY to have it all, we will pay the price.

A better choice is to limit that buffet to a very carefully chosen subset. He recommends just 5 and to make those your 5 focal points for the next year.

Even more interesting, in writing to business owners and entrepreneurs, he doesn't say they should be all business. Quite the contrary, he divvies them up into 3 for business and 2 for life.

And when opportunities arise that don't fall into any of these five areas, he respectfully declines.

It sounds really good in theory. 

I know that I have a tendency to take on too much at times.... like everyone these days with family, work, friends, and hobbies I have a zillion things going on and I am definitely pulled every which way.  

Narrowing the focus to FIVE has serious appeal. 

In fact, I think it’s a not a bad notion to consider in the context of a lifelong financial plan – identifying the 5 top priorities you have in mind moving forward.  

Give us a call at 610-695-8748 and let’s figure out a way to take those top 5 goals to make them happen as quickly as possible.